Research Topic: What the internet is hiding from you - "Filter Bubbles"

Over the past few years there's been an increase of gregarious configurations due to the rise of the internet, social media and web 2.0 that essentially allows users to only see one side of a story on certain pieces of news, articles and/or content. This type of inclination is known as "filter bubbles". Although this concept is still in early stages, it's extremely relevant to society today, especially with post 2016 elections and should be tolerated regardless of political partisan. That being said, I feel like this topic is something worth discussing with my fellow classmates.

In regards to approach - I think it will be fascinating to show how filter bubbles have affected and essentially skewed the results (profoundly) of the 2016 elections. In addition, I would love to showcase certain workarounds of these filter bubbles and/or possible solutions to avoid the filter bubbles from affecting societies social media usage (PS - this would take some research, analysis, and testing to prove...)

Look forward to hearing the classes thoughts, comments, concerns!



  1. Hey Krish, I think this is an excellent topic. At this point we are all aware that the "news" that pops up on our facebook feeds or other social media has been catered to us based on our previous searches, recent articles, etc. I often image how different the facebook feeds of people who have very different political views than I have would look like. For example, very conservative family members whose shared posts pop up on my feed and shock the heck out of me. I think there FB feeds must reflect posts and comments quite similar to their own but very different from mine.

    Another comment for you, the font is really small!! see if you can make it bigger because it is tough to read!

  2. This is a really dope topic. I've personally been thinking about how these "filter bubbles" really feed people the same content that they're used to seeing/they only want to see, and how that completely limits a person and their perspective. Especially in regards to the uprise of fake news that's commonly circulated on facebook, a person who consumes fake news regularly is going to be fed fake news only.


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